Saturday, November 28, 2009

What Do I Do? She My Girlfriend Broke My Heart!!!!

First things first, lift your head up, stand up, now scream out loud "SHE BROKE MY HEART"....  Now do you feel better?

Chances are that made you feel a little empowered. Now that you have little gusto behind you, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Realize that you are not the first one this has happened too and you will not be the last. Chances are, this might not even be the first time this has happened to you. She may have done this before or someone else has done this to you.

If this is the last time your heart is broken for the duration of your life, than consider yourself lucky.  However, you can learn from this and if it happens again, you will know how to handle it a little better. Remember it is not the end of the world. You may feel terrible and think there will never be another but let me tell you from experience, there will be another. Those terrible feelings you have, will eventually go away.

Time heals everything, even a broken heart. Although it may seem like the most gut wrenching process a person can go through, it's true; time will heal a broken heart. Now that you see there may be hope in this time of doom and gloom in your life, here is some even better news. There are more fish in the sea.

Even though at this time, you may think she is the only one for you and you may even feel you will never find another. My friend, you will never find another if you choose to never find another.  However, statistics show that women outnumber men nearly 2 to 1 in the world. So, if you want to take a chance, than the odds are in your favor that you will find another.

However, I will say this: "Time is the key, do it when you're ready, and not a second sooner".  Now while you may have been crying to your buddies and crying "my girlfriend broke my heart", you may come to find out that it was a blessing in disguise. You might find out she is not the person you thought she was.

Now, again, the key is time. Let things work them self out. After some time, and plenty of thinking; you might just find out that she is not the person you should be with. Thank your lucky stars and cast your fishing net out into that vast sea of the opposite sex.

Dare to share your experience with others? Leave your comments or feedback below....I love to hear from you.

Friday, November 27, 2009

7 Tips To Get Exgirlfriend Back - Guaranteed!

Regardless of whether your girlfriend broke up with you or if the decision to end your relationship was mutual, you may be feeling that the break-up was a mistake.  It isn’t unusual to regret breaking up with your girlfriend; nor is it unusual to want to get exgirlfriend back.  These feelings of wanting to rekindle a past relationship can occur shortly after a break-up or they may spring up several weeks or months afterwards.

If you want to get your ex back, you are going to want to try some of the following tips.  Because every break-up and every relationship is different, some of these may not apply to your situation; however, be sure to look all of the tips over thoroughly.  If you do not approach the idea of reuniting with your ex cautiously and with care, you may blow your chances of getting her back.

Try these tips as you work toward getting your exgirlfriend back:

• Admit your fault in the break-up, as well as anything you did wrong during the relationship.  Although even the most heartfelt apology is unlikely to get your ex to run back into your arms, it is a good first step.

• Be kind whenever you see her.  Speak nicely, even though you may be hurting and angry—you need to rise above those feelings and understand her needs at the moment.  This will show her that you still care about her.

• Be an excellent listener whenever she talks to you.  Let her express herself and do not interrupt.  Unless she asks for your opinion, do not tell her what she should do or how she should act.

• Think about what you did during the relationship that may have helped to lead up to the break-up.  Work on changing these habits.  For example, if you determine that your ex was likely troubled by your lack of career goals, perhaps you can visit a career counselor and find a job path in which you are interested.  Your ex will see that you are working on changing the habits she disliked--and this will make you attractive to her.

Just as there are suggestions of what you should try, there are also some things you should definitely not do as you try to get exgirlfriend back.

Avoid doing any of these:

• Do not appear needy or emotionally desperate when you see or speak with your ex.  This is not attractive at all.

• Do not follow the cues you see in the movies--sending flowers and serenading her at her workplace are sure to annoy her, not attract her.

• Do not go out with other women if you want to get your ex back.  This sends the message that you do not miss your ex and that you are over the past relationship.  And even if you are careful, your ex will find out that you have seen other women.

By following these tips, you should be able to work towards getting your exgirlfriend back.  Good luck!

Do you have other tips that have successfully helped you get back with your ex girlfriend? Please share....there are guys out there who will worship you like god if you help them. Leave your comments or suggestions below....

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Even If She Doesnt Want To See You?

There are plenty of tips online on how to get your ex girlfriend back, but most of them require her to at least be willing to answer the phone when you call. What are you supposed to do if she won't even talk to you? Do not despair. Help is here.....

Here are some ideas:

Let her know you are available
You have probably heard the advice that if you want to know how to get your ex girlfriend back, the quickest way is to make her jealous by making her think you're going out with other girls. Well, the problem is this can easily backfire on you.

Even if she was starting to miss you, if she finds out yu have started dating, she will  assume you no longer have feelings for her. So, make sure your mutual friends know you are still single.

Improve yourself
Of course, being available doesn't mean staying home waiting by the phone all day. Instead of spending your energy looking for a new girlfriend, invest it in self-improvement. Especially if you were in a long-term relationship, you will be better off taking some time to yourself to do something that will improve your confidence as an individual, whether it's learning a new skill or just spending more time doing what you love. Your ex will see you can live without her and respect you all the more for it.

Write a love letter
Not a phone call, not an email, not an instant message an actual handwritten letter. It may be an old fashioned method for how to get your ex girlfriend back, but it works because there are very few women who wont open a handwritten letter. That means you will at least get a chance to explain what you're feeling.

While it is best to put everything in your own words, if you really feel like you don't know what to say, get a female friend to help you or swipe a few ideas (ideas, not whole sentences) from examples online. Remember, the look of the letter is nearly as important as the words. Write your letter on fancy stationary, stick it in a matching envelope, seal it with real sealing wax and send it off.

Keep it light
When you do get a chance to talk to her again, keep the mood upbeat. Don't start apologizing for everything you ever did wrong, begging her to meet with you, or arguing over what caused the breakup. After all, would you look forward to meeting someone who is obviously an emotional wreck?

Instead, give her an indication that seeing you again will be fun and won't involve any bickering or groveling. If at all possible, make her laugh. You'll get her to let her guard down and take away the bad taste from the break up.

If you really want to know how to get your ex girlfriend back even when she won't return your phone calls, rest assured that it can be done. Make use of mutual friends to let her know your're available but not wasting away from grief, then send her a letter to make contact again. Beyond that, be careful where get advice on how to get your girlfriend back because some of them can really backfire on you.